Saturday, February 5, 2011

Have You Noticed a Trend???

"Weather forecast for tonight: dark. Continued dark overnight, with widely scattered light by morning." - George Carlin

Hmm. I'm looking outside and the precip is just starting to transition to a mix here at my location. Ok. Now, where's that 1-2" I thought we were going to receive. Must be the 'heat island effect', right? Um, did I miss something else here? Let's see. Oh yeah, never underestimate the power of the rising February sun. That's why it rained . Or maybe that's some form of new precipitiation, transparent snow drops, you know, the snowflake encapsuled in a raindrop to keep it protected on its journey earthward. Well, I gotta lot of that, then.

Like yourself, I'm noticing a trend, you know I'm always talking about trends. And that is consecutive forecasts for frozen precipitation have been stamped 'Bust'. I look at the same models that the professionals look at, even arrive at the same conclusion. And then, 'What the...?'

It's high time for a change. In my personal snow forecast, for now on, I'm going to assign a 'Bust' potential. This would range from a 'No-Brainer, Low, Medium, and High.' Therefore, hopefully, we can understand better how weather forecasting in the Ohio Valley can be a real challenge. Any call-for-snow forecasts will be subjected to the 'Bust' potential. I'm serious.

And you know, we got the 'big one' coming soon. Hmm. I'm already thinking about the 'Bust' potential.

More later,

1 comment:

  1. Love your sense of humor mike. Hoping there's a 0% chance of a bust!


Tornadoes on Easter Sunday

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