Thursday, February 3, 2011

Are You Passionate About the Weather? Bring It!

I know this is a relatively new blog, but I really hope a few of you who have visited before get a chance to read this.

I saw something disturbing on another weather blog. Admittedly, every blog is going to have its share of cuckoos who don't have a lick of sense about blog etiquette. There may be no written code on the etiquette part, but surely we get it if we have regularly blogged on other sites before.

For example, this kid has recently been promoting his site on a popular weather blog, directing us to it over and over again in his comments. You know what? I think that's awesome, baby! You know why? The kid's got passion. He brings his passion to the blog and shares his comments with us. He just wants you to know how enthusiastic he is about his take on the weather.

However, some took offense at his continual references to his site on the weather blog (of course, I guess we've figured it out that it's Chris Bailey"s weather blog). Perhaps it is annoying. But, you do not bash someone for using a popular forum like Bailey's to springboard your own enthusiasm about the weather.

If you got something to say, bring it to the table. Speak your mind, say what you gotta say. But, be prepared for a rebuttal to your comment(s). For those who wish to offer their take or view about something, be convinced about what you're saying and provide the evidence/arguments for supporting that view. Likewise, if you have a rebuttal, don't just bash someone for their comments. For example, 'What do you know, you're no meteorologist.' Pretty lame. Provide a reason or reasons why you disagree and perhaps even offer your viewpoint, if necessary. At times, believe it or not, you can silently agree or disagree.

I was pleased to see numerous comments defending the kid and his site. I thought that was pretty classy. I do not believe the kid was trying to compete with Bailey's site by trying to 'win us over' to his site. Just pure passion. You go kid.

In fact, I've used Bailey's site a few times to draw attention to this blog. Am I competing with Bailey? Hardly! I want everyone to know how passionate I am about the weather. I'm no meteorologist, but some of my experiences with weather is like trying to put a lid on boiling water seeping out the top. You can't stop it, baby! I want to bring it! Also, if I was competing with Bailey, I wouldn't be promoting his blog on the right-hand side of this blog under Miks Mix. I appreciate Mr. Bailey's enthusiasm toward winter weather events and the passion his readers share and their comments.

Now, are you passionate about the weather? Bring it! We want to hear from you, no matter what blog you use. Have a good day.

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