On this day....
1813 - The nickname "Uncle Sam" was first used as a symbolic reference to the United States. The reference appeared in an editorial in the New York's Troy Post.
1930 - The cartoon "Blondie" made its first appearance in the comic strips.
1971 - "The Beverly Hillbillies" was seen for the final time on CBS-TV.
1979 - ESPN, the Entertainment and Sports Programming Network, made its debut on cable TV.
Okay, I can't help it...gotta talk 'a little bit' about weather...
1991 - Calgary had its costliest hailstorm on record with 350 million dollars of insured losses.
Here's a breakdown of September's bizzare and unique holidays...
Classical Music Month
Hispanic Heritage Month
Fall Hat Month
International Square Dancing Month
National Courtesy Month
National Piano Month
Baby Safety Month
Better Breakfast Month
Today is "Neither Rain Nor Snow Day'
....And no, it's not talking about the weather.
Actually, it's a partial inscription found on the New York Post Office building at its opening in 1914 on this day.
The building, bearing the inscription: "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds," is a national historic landmark, and occupies two full city blocks.
Interestingly, this inscription is often mistakened as the official motto of the United States Postal Service.
The USPS does not have an official motto.
We'll talk about weather later....
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