Tuesday, August 9, 2011

"If Birds Fly Low, Then Rain We Shall Know"

There is a famous weather folklore saying that's a decent predictor of possibly adverse weather. "If birds fly low, then rain we shall know."

Often times when the barometric readings are low or are falling, birds tend to fly lower to the ground, possibly seeking out insects that are hanging near the ground for the same barometric reasoning.

Well, last hour, my barometer read 29.73". That's fairly low considering how nice the weather seems outside at present.

And by the way, while I was out driving today, birds were swooping low and almost crashed into my windshield. It was so close, I was bracing for a thud but didn't hear anything.

Anyway, that's another indicator of a possible rain later. We'll see.


1 comment:

Tornadoes on Easter Sunday

This is a worse case scenario. Tornadoes and flooded, blocked roadways making for great difficulties reaching residences affecting hard hit ...