Speaking of meteorological Spring, I will be changing the screen theme away from the winter page very soon. I have been under the weather primarily since Wednesday and just have been unable to do much of anything but rest.
I even missed out on the freak snow event some of you in eastern Kentucky were able to get in on. Where'd that come from?
Of course, when I saw a picture of someone measuring 9" my skeptical mind said, 'Fraud!' Nobody was calling for a winter storm to affect the region, just some wet snow that may briefly cause a slushy accumulation. But, it would look pretty for a moment.
In addition, I was nearly positive it was a picture from last March's early snowstorm that dumped a foot of snow at my house in Valley Station and pummeled other parts of the state. At that time, I was actually away in Orlando, Florida where the temperature was 85 degrees. Ahh, my mind takes me away.
Okay, where was I? Oh, so anyway, other reports of 6, 8, and 9" amounts started coming in on Twitter from a variety of locations. And then it began to register that this might actually be for real. Wow.
Enough about winter already. This week, Spring Fever is going to hit and stick. Along with the rain chances gradually increasing, temperatures will elevate into the 70's for most locations in Kentucky with plenty of dry time in between. So, take advantage of it. Get out for a walk, clean up the yard (that would be me), get the lawn mower tuned up, head for the park, whatever. I know I'm looking forward to it, especially after being cooped up in the house sick as a dog, who by the way, is actually doing better than I am.
In case you hadn't heard, or read, this winter was marked by being a top ten warmest winter on record for locations such as Louisville, Lexington, and Bowling Green. As early as February 21, I wrote a post called Projection Sunday and made bold statements that this could indeed be a top ten earner. I rarely get a chance to toot my own horn, because I seem to be always on the other side of being right. Just ask my wife.
Getting back to the screen change, I will be updating to an appropriate one soon. But, the theme page will be marked by, well, springtime things.
Look for local numbers on precipitation and temperatures. Gardeners, be on the lookout for a special section for you. I am a Pepper gardener and have noticed over the years that weather and soil work together for a bigger, better pepper. But, you may be surprised by the criteria I use. Be looking for that.
Another stat I will be updating is the tornado deaths and preliminary and actual readings, as updated by the Storm Prediction Center. Of course, I will include Kentucky and any severe weather reports as compiled by the SPC, be it tornado, damaging winds, or large hail.
A case in point. For 2015, at least through much of December, there were ten states whose tornado counts exceeded its normal average. Did you know Hawaii actually recorded a tornado last year? Yes, indeed, a rare event for them....
Have a good week and try to enjoy the warmth you snow lovers.
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